This was a low altitude Hoax device passing overhead. The outline of the garbage bag is seen to contain most of the brighter illumination from the wax fire lighter. The interesting feature in this image is the dark curved line on the lower right of the object. This darkened feature could be used as an identifying feature for these hoax devices when photographed from directly underneath. This is where the garbage bag is folded or doubled over around the wire frame hoop, so that it can be cello-taped or fixed to the frame. It is this double thickness of the plastic garbage bag that shows up due to the less amount of light able to shine through that section around the rim of the bag where it is fixed to the wire hoop.
Note the heavy pixilation of the brightest part of the image. There is a lot of surrounding heat and light picked up in this photo. Object was moving to the right. Even though these images are of the same type of hoax device, the variation is seen related to their distance, angle of view and brightness of the illumination when captured either on film or video.

Another image of one of the first of these hoax devices that I had seen. This image is with a 35mm still camera as it moved to the right (north).

Sometimes there is a 2 meter (6ft) length of thin wire attached to the main frame of the device where a second wax fire lighter is attached. This then forming a "Double" device. These look impressive yet are still easily identified once you know what to look for. I have video of four "double" hoax devices
together. These would require at least two persons to launch the "double" devices because of the handling difficulties when setting up to launch. The left image shows the device moving left to right, while the second image shows the device moving to the left.

One of the first Hoax devices I photographed. This is a still grabbed off video footage. A total of four of these hoax devices slowly drifted south to north at low altitude over the western boundary of Grafton in 1997 over a one-hour period. Enhancement shows the brighter glow at base, and trailing heat as the object moved to the right.
There has been a sudden increase in mysterious orange lights reported to UFO researchers, especially in the UK and USA recently. The last time this occurred was back in the 1990's at the time when there really was high real UFO activity world wide, also known of the UFO Wave of the '90's. Since 1999-2000, the scale of real UFO activity suddenly declined, although some spasmodic activity was still reported, yet the 'Disc' UFO was reduced.
Read the following on my research on the orange light hoax device written during this activity of the '90's. There has been recent UFO Disc in the classic 'V' formation of 5 and 7 Discs recently seen in the USA. I suggest you take serious note of the reports coming in and WATCH the skies. The Discs may be returning for the new UFO Wave. They take a 20 year cycle and are NOW DUE to return. Let me know if you see or hear of this type of activity. SKYWATCHERS have your cameras ready.
Following written in the 1990's
Based on the Australian study of the Hoax Device by myself, the following conclusions have been reached.
1. Because of the pattern of release of these devises, there is a purpose behind such activity and not just random events.
2. Who is letting them off?
a) Some local persons (School aged children and young adults) have admitted or seen launching these devices. But this does not account for all of the releases. Witnesses see the devices initially, then "copy-cat" the activity.
b) An Australia wide organised group appear to be employed to release the Hoax devices over areas of residential population, including Cities and large Rural towns. All major cities and large rural towns around Australia have had this activity over their town at some time during the 1990's. The more real UFO activity over a location, the more Hoax Devices released.
3. Why are they (the organised group) launching the Hoax device over populated areas around Australia?
Based on my own observations during the genuine UFO activity, and collection of reported sightings around Australia, one thing that can not be overlooked is the question "Why?"
Could this be why?
The "special forces" have learnt by experimentation (eg. Alice Springs incident) that the genuine UFO will AVOID flying over populated areas when the Hoax Device is airborne. The UFO were flying up and down the East Coast of Australia during 'Flap' and 'Wave' situations during the '90's this is also the most heavily populated area of Australia and where most of the Hoax Device launching was taking place.
"They" would rather let the population see the Hoax Devices, then the real UFO. "They" would rely on the word spreading through the community that the orange lights in the sky were just HOAX's and not real UFO. If UFO researchers and the media did not wake up to the fact they were only man made hoax devices, that did not matter. At least 'we' were not seeing the real UFO. After all, how would the authorities explain a large low flying "V" formations of yellow discs flying over your roof-top? Easier to laugh off a small orange light in the sky.
You may say that the 'Alien' is smarter than that. They would be able to tell that it was just a man made device over town, and nothing to worry about. Well, this exercise did appear to work. When there were nights of no hoax device launching, I witnessed UFO activity, much at low level. When hoax devices were launched, sometimes 3-4 running nights, no real UFO activity seen. This indicates to me, that the chances of my overall conclusion being correct has a very high probability when you take into account the 'big picture' Australia wide over a long period of time.
Having this in mind, I waited during a time of no UFO activity and no hoax device launching, to see which would come first next time activity started. After some months of no activity in 1999, I saw the first hoax device over town. Sure enough, there was also real UFO activity happening as well. Is this enough proof to substantiate my theory? may be.
I await the next UFO 'Flap' to test the idea.
How did they do it?
The Australian Hoax Devices.
Items used to construct:
1. One large garbage bag (any colour, black used here)
2. cellotape.
3. Roll of stiff wire (#8)
4. Box of petroleum wax fire starters.
5. Portable gas torch.
6. Two persons.
1. Coil the wire into a hoop the diameter to tightly fit into the opening of the garbage bag.
2. Fix the hoop to the bag with cellotape
3. Cut and fit a straight piece of wire to fix across the center of the hoop. Firstly bend a "U" in the middle of this and skew one wax firelighter so it sits in the "U". This stops the firelighter from accidentally sliding along the wire and burning the bag.
4. Get one person to hold the bag upright whole the second lights the gas torch.
5. Hold the gas torch under the bag so as to fill it with hot air. The bag will expand as air inside heats.
6. When bag fully expanded with hot air (only takes a few seconds) and wants to rise under its own lift,
7. Hit the wax fire lighter with the torch so as to ignite it.
8. let it go. It will lift itself like a hot air balloon. And drift in the wind direction. It will only rise to a height depending on the air pressure finding a balance with the lift capabilities of the bag. It finds its own height and remains there unless the air layer changes. This will burn for about 10 minutes depending only on the size of the wax block. If they are all the same size, they will burn approx. the same length of time. Eventually falling to the ground at any location.
I have not done this personally. I have observed from a distance two persons launching one of these. (as per footage on my video "UFO Down-Under") I know how they are constructed because I have retrieved one still burning as it fell into a local house yard.
WARNING: Do not attempt to make and launch one of these devices. They are dangerous and can destroy community property. It is a Police offence if caught.
Some Facts.
Sometimes when the Hoax Device is at medium to low altitude, drops of burning wax can be seen falling from the device. If seen, this is a good identification detail.
When seen from directly underneath (device drifting overhead), you can see a circular feature underneath the device. This is the wire hoop opening of the bag. Another good identification feature that should be noted to assist identification of the object as a Hoax Device.
The illumination from such Hoax devices is mainly from the actual wax block burning and the internal illumination of the bag because of the flame flickering up into the bag itself.
These devices appear to 'flicker' because of the movement of flame inside the bag. The flame actually 'jumps up and down' during the burn. Some more than others, depending upon the intensity of the burn and movement of the device.
Multiple launchings.
The Australian experience has been that a high percentage of hoax device launchings contain more than one device. Multiple launching of these devices seems to be more effective for the overall purpose of the task. I have video of 23 devices in the one event. Nine individual devices have been seen drifting in formation over this town. Multiple launchings by the one group of perpetrators from the same location will always produce a line formation of devices that may continue in the same flight path or sometimes change direction.
I have seen these devices hover for some time in the one position. One in a group may veer off to take another course while the others continue a straight forward path. They may do 90 degree turns or turn around and head back the other way. All this direction of movement depends upon the wind / breeze directional changes within the changing air layers over distance. If the devices are tethered over one location, or the air layer is still and dense, the devices will remain steady if prevailing air conditions are stable.
Increasing Magnitude of Illumination.
The magnitude of the illumination can be increased by attaching a second wax fire lighter to a length of thin wire attached to the wire that bisects the wire hoop (holding the main wax block) This dangles below the main device (5-6ft - 1.5 meters) and does not effect the movement of the object yet may contribute to the lift. (extra hot air) The main effect resulting in a brighter larger object when seen from the ground.
(Just like the objects in the Mexican FLIR footage. My opinion is that these were man made hoax devices, NOT real UFO)
The other alternative would be to use a larger wax block. This would make the object visible longer, and travel greater distances if not tethered. The flame would be larger making the device brighter therefore larger.
Other Igniters.
Any ignitable material could be used as a fuel to burn and give the device lift. It would be feasible to consider the fuel used in the Phoenix Lights could be another fuel other than the wax firelighter used in the Australian devices. If another type of fuel were used, you could expect a burn of different colour or brightness depending upon the materials (minerals or oxides) used. Accurate measure of burn time is easily calculated by experimentation. Yet the characteristic 'flickering' of a burning flame would still be obvious.
Other Lift Balloons.
Other balloons of light plastic or fiber materials can be used for the main balloon. The larger and more transparent the balloon, the more light is reflected inside the balloon, and larger and brighter it looks to the observer. For these types of devices, an open mouth bag or balloon is necessary so that the flame can heat up the air inside the balloon bag to create lift of the device. Also required to emphasise the brightness of the device from the flame illuminating the whole balloon structure. Either way, the overall principle is the same.
The only device that would not give the same results, would be an enclosed balloon, say filled with Helium gas to give lift. The fuel would be ignited only to give illumination to the device and would not be as bright an object as the one above. The illumination from the flame would also partly illuminate the balloon above. This would make this type of device more obvious to the observer that it was a man made hoax device because the balloon could be seen as a separate item to the flame, especially in slightly illuminated local areas.